We will be closed for Easter April 1st, no fooling. So our employees and fellow moose members can enjoy the holiday. Have a happy Easter Day.
Starting this month we will be featuring a kickin’ band on the first Saturday of each month. This month April 7th it’s the “Pappa Cool Band”. They have a great selection of cover music for all to enjoy. Next month it’s the “Ecolimes” on May the 5th, yes Cinco de Mayo. El Braino will be having his tacos for $2 each. That will a great party as well.
We will be having a Special Meeting on April 10th at 7:00 pm to vote for a contractor to repair our leaky roof. We need all LOOM members to be present to vote for the repair. See you there.
April 13th will be the kid’s movie “COCO”. The movie starts at 5:30 pm sharp. See you there.
April 14th “Rockin’ Russ” will be entertaining us with a name that tune, artist, and other useless information. Plus we will be having a battle of the sexes guest bartenders; The Scarlatos should be a lot of fun. All the tips will be going to charity. Come down and support them.
April 21st “Rockin’ Russ” will be back again to entertain us for the “Wax the Governors Back” fundraiser. That’s right our Governor Joe Matteucci will be getting his back waxed for the endowment fund. He says he’ll only do it if $500 is raised. Should be easy. Come on down and help us reach his goal.
Next month on May 5th, yes Cinco De Mayo we will be having a great party with El Braino’s tacos and margarita specials. The band that night will be the “Ecolimes”.
We have a big push going on for membership until the end of April. Sign up three new members and get next year’s dues free. Plus the state is giving you a preferred member award of $10 towards food or drink at our lodge. That’s a great deal.
First responders are still free to sign up until April 28th of this month. Sign up all your police, firefighters and active military friends for free, that’s right no cost to them or you. What an easy way to get your three new members and preferred member award.
Visit the International website at mooseintl.org and the state website wismoose.org for all their great sponsor incentives and while you’re there check out your benefits page. New benefits are added all the time, something you can use will be there.
Don’t forget your Moose membership card will get you in the door at all 1500 lodges in the United States. That’s right you can go to any of them whenever you want. So the next time you’re traveling, remember to look up our brothers and sisters in all the lodges across the U.S.
Fraternally Yours,
Richard Smart, Administrator