Kenosha Moose Riders – January 2019

We have had people ask: Who/What are the Kenosha Moose Riders?
We are an activity club that gets together to have fun, build friendships,
go on some rides (although a bike is not required), while doing that
we also give back to our community, our lodge and Moose charities.
Happy New Year Everybody. Another year has ended, another year of fond memories of Mooseriders events along with Moose events. You have to be so proud to belong to such a caring, fun and wonderful organization. How can you ever be bored when there is always something going on, whether it be with us Mooseriders, or the Men and Women of the Moose creating events. To be able to walk into the Moose’s social quarters and see friendly faces and smiles makes one’s heart fill with love and admiration that we belong to something bigger than ourselves.
On that note we would like to thank everyone at the Moose who helped us throughout the year, whether it was advice, information, chiming in and enjoying our events or just cheering us on. You all are so wonderful. Thank you Joe Matteucci for all your help, you have been absolutely perfect in your leadership role, we could not ask for better.
A big Thanks goes out to Marty for doing such spectacular work on these newsletters and for making sure that our Grammar and punctuation don’t look like what we email him sometimes, lol
Lastly; thank you to our wonderful Mooserider members. Every one of you are important in making Mooseriders a success from paying your dues or coming to meetings to give ideas and opinions, to donating your time, to joining us in the fun and making every event a great time and bringing closeness to our group.
In writing this, I am unsure about our Jan meeting. We normally have an event in January where we go out to eat, have a short meeting then and pay our yearly dues. Therefore you can be kept up to date on our Facebook Kenosha Mooseriders page and for members I will send out an email to each of you.
Again thank you everyone!!