News From Your Senior Regent – April 2019

This has been such an amazing year, it is hard to believe it is already April! I want to thank our whole WOTM team for making this year a wonderful success! I really appreciate each and every one of you and how you helped throughout the year! Thank you to Joe Matteucci and the LOOM! It has been great working with all of you! I am thankful for your support throughout the year too! Working together makes us all successful!

Congratulations to our new WOTM 2019-2020 Board of Officers: Sr. Regent – Kellee Chwala, Jr. Regent – Elsa Weller, Secretary/Treasurer – Cassie Thew and Recorder – Diane Smart. I look forward to working with all of you this year and making it another huge success!

At the Mid-Tem Conference, Kellee Chwala was awarded Coworker of the Year, and Diane Smart was awarded Award of Distinction. Congratulations Ladies! Thank you for your commitment to the Moose!

The Tastings from the Kenosha Moose Cookbook event was a lot of fun! Thank you to all of you that donated recipes for the event. I also appreciate all of those who worked the event. We had a lot of great feedback! People really liked the recipes! People thought it was so great that they are ready for usto have another event like this! Several people also had fun creating a sign at the Make & Take Sign table.

We are looking to finish our year on a strong note, so we will be having a Membership Table daily from 5:30 – 7 PM to renew dues or help a new member join. Please, if you received a greeting card reminding you about your dues expiring soon, bring the card with you!


4/13/19 – Kids Easter Party 12-2 PM – The Committee has been working on creating a fun event with some new surprises!

4/28/19 – Kenosha Installation of Officers. WOTM at 3 PM, LOOM at 4 PM and Dinner at 5 PM. If you come to the Installation Ceremony, you are welcome to stay for dinner. Come out and see and support our new 2019-2020 Officers as they are installed into office.

6/1/19 – We are hosting a WOTM Training Sessions. This is for other Chapters to come to the training. It is open to everyone. If you would like to hear more about the WOTM, this would be great for you to attend. If you would like to hear what has or has not worked for other Chapters, come to the training.

Reminder the WOTM meetings are on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 7 PM. All Coworkers are invited and encouraged to attend. It is a way to keep up-todate on what is happening at our Lodge.

April Coworker Volunteer of the Month is Lorie Stepler. Congratulations Lorie! Thank you for all you do!

Sincerely, Joanne Horner, Senior Regent