Sports Committee – April 2020

The Monday evening in house pool league has finished for the winter. Ernie Dahl and Steve Bevins teamed up to win the league. Mike Miller chaired. The Monday evening pool league will continue once the ban has been lifted. Start date to be announced.

Monday / Wednesday AM pool wrapped up as well. Debbie Keslov paired with Rich Smart to win the first half and Aaron Perona and Lloyd Jester won the second half. In a thrilling play-off, the Jester / Perona team won the overall title. Rob Higgins paired with Steve Bevins to win the season-ending tournament. Andy Burger chaired both leagues. Now on to golf!

All Wisconsin State tournaments are being postponed. Including pool and bowling from this past month. As of now, the regular Spring- Summer leagues and events for outside and still being planned. Softball leads it off starting on April 27th. Coed teams are still needed for Friday nights. Call 262-551-0441 if you have a team.

Monday / Wednesday Golf tees up at Petrifying Springs course May 4th and 6th. Gary Schroeder chairs the Monday league and Doug Johnson chairs the Wednesday league. Call or text Gary @ 262-960-2236 for Monday info.

May 6th is a meeting for Wednesday night horseshoes outside at the refreshment stand. Jerry Simonson continues as chairman. Be at the meeting or call Jerry at 262-705-2665 to join the league.

Wednesday BAGGO’s will start outside when the weather permits. James Mosley and Fred Storz co-chair the event.

Notes: Dick’s Sporting Goods gave a $10,000.00 grant to Mooseheart for new sports equipment. Mooseheart and Moosehaven are the prime benefactors of our member’s work and generosity.

Most know of the passing of Tony Jandrowski. He always encouraged the sporting events at the lodge. Much sympathy to his wife Sharon and family.

2020 marks the 132nd year of the Loyal Order of Moose. For our own lodge, this is year 110.

Leon Rosko, Sports Chairman