Moose Membership Committee – May 2021

It’s a new Moose year! I’m so excited to be your Moose Membership Chairperson. It’s crazy, not all that long ago we were talking about this concept of One Moose and now, here it is. Members have more opportunities than ever to get involved and make a difference. Will that be you? We need to keep our lodge strong and in order to do that we need members, we need you to be involved and bring your friends along as guests to show them what the lodge is all about. Remember we are a private fraternity, so the only way we can grow is through you. Guests can visit us twice before they need to make the decision about joining. We all know those people that could make our lodge a better place that for whatever reason are not yet members. Why not ask them to come visit us? Bring them in, show them the fun things we have going on and ask them to join. Think of all the memories you have at the lodge and share them with your friends! We are excited to kick off this new year! This month we are sharing the international sponsoring incentives with you. Sponsor one new member and get the “Stronger Together” moose pin, sponsor 5 and a donation in your name will be made to the MAC Project and sponsor 25 this year and receive free basic registration for the Moose International Conference in Orlando, FL in 2022. State and local promotions are being finalized, so please stay tuned. Watch for the membership table’s return to the Social Quarters over the coming weeks. Please stop by with any of your membership questions or to renew your dues.

You can also feel free to email me with your questions. Remember as this year’s theme says, we are “Stronger Together.”

Your Lodge Membership Chairperson, Kellee Chwala