Administrator’s Corner – May 2021

Has it been a month already??? I’m learning as I go and getting more and more comfortable in my position. I appreciate all the words of
encouragement I hear from you, the member. It means a lot to me. I look forward to working with the new Board of Director’s as we begin
One Moose on May 1st. Congratulations to incoming President, Brian Mifflin, as well as Tim Shuler, Paul Baumeister, Ron Horner, Dan
Mosley, James Mosley, Doug Funk, Russ Weller, and Bill Petit. I look forward to working with this Board to make the Moose Lodge the best
place to be for its members!

We are organizing our operation and office as we move forward and have plans to get other areas cleaned up and organized as well. All of
that is in an effort to make the Lodge a smooth-running machine and to allow us to try new ideas in the future.

Speaking of new, you should be seeing new bartenders in the Social Quarters and out in the Pavilion! Please welcome them and introduce
yourself. Your patience as they learn the “Moose way” is appreciated. Our goal is to get you your favorite beverage in a timely manner to
allow you to enjoy your experience at the Lodge. Please welcome Tabby, Cindy, and Sam with open arms!

Spring has sprung, which means things are opening up again, and that includes the Pavilion! Please keep an eye open for upcoming
events and bands. Hopefully, the weather decides to warm up and stay warm so we can all enjoy the great outdoors. I hope to see you all out
there as well as in the Social Quarters!

Fraternally yours, Administrator Dave Strash