Kenosha Moose Riders – June 2018

Rider Membership Drive! We are offering special pricing for the rest
of the year. Join the Riders for only $10! This low discounted price
does not include a t-shirt, but they are available for purchase.

Welcome to the Mooseriders
Events planned are
Poker run – Moosefest June 23rd.
Parade in Somers last year President Chano had a group of riders in the parade.
June 29 is our annual Kenosha Kingfish game Todd Richards has tickets now so you can pay him and get your tickets.
The cost is $45 again and includes food and beverages including BEER
Aug. 5 is tentative date for Booze cruise if enough interested.
Aug. 19 is the moose picnic and from what I hear will be open to the public for the first time so we will be looking for help
from our members.
We are looking for info for a October 7 color ride to (Monroe ?) for an overnight trip with a brewery tour and night out on
town – they don’t know what they are in for LOL. As always anyone that has other things that need to be discussed please
attend and bring as much info to our next meeting.
Meetings are always the 3rd Monday of the month at 7 pm
Dues are $10 a year

Visit and “Like” our Kenosha Moose Riders page at 

Everyone stay safe, love one another and be happy.