Kenosha Moose Riders – May 2018

We have had people ask: Who/What are the Kenosha Moose Riders?
We are an activity club that gets together to have fun, build friendships, go on some rides (although a bike is not required), while doing that we also give back to our community, our lodge and Moose charities.

Welcome to the Kenosha Mooseriders

Our upcoming events are:
Mooseriders poker run
Kingfish game
Bike Blessing
Boat trip in Milwaukee
Fall colors ride
New Glarus trip

We are very proud to have received an award for what we do for the seniors
at Mooseheart.
A big welcome to our new members, Jeff and Kim Tranberg.


Next meeting May 21:

  • Board members at 6 pm
  • Membership at 7 pm

Visit and “Like” our Kenosha Moose Riders page at 

Everyone stay safe, love one another and be happy.