Moose Membership Committee – August 2021

Hello August! Wow, it’s been a busy summer. Let’s talk a minute about membership. Women are now full-fledged members of the lodge, which means, if you aren’t one of the 168 lifetime members of Kenosha that joined by April 30th, 2021, you will owe dues in the amount of $55 when you receive your statement from Moose International. Nonlifetime members will now see 2 expiration dates on their new White Moose IDs (the Valued Veterans Card looks different), one for the lodge and one for the WOTM Chapter or Moose Legion. You must be an active member of the lodge to be a member of the Chapter or Moose Legion.

Now, why would I pay extra to be a member of the Chapter or Moose Legion?
I understand the mission of the Moose and Moose Charities.
I have an interest in performing with a greater level of service.
I have an interest in holding office.
I have my degree(s): (Academy of Friendship, Star (Recorder), College of Regents, Moose Legion, Fellowship and/or Pilgrim) and would like to keep them active.
I am interested in participating in Chapter or Moose Legion Meetings.
I am interested in participating in exclusive Chapter or Moose Legion Member events, both locally and at the state level (Chapter Rally Days, Moose Legion Cookout, and Moose Legion Fun Days).

Hope this helps! Any questions, please let me know.

Kellee Chwala- Membership Chair