This is the last month and time to sign up our first responders and active military. It doesn’t cost them one penny if they are signed up before April 28th of this month. Plus you get incentives from us, the State and Moose International. You and they can’t lose. Don’t miss out on these great incentives.
Our lodge elections are coming up on April 10th from noon till 7:30 pm. Make sure you get down to the lodge here and vote. It will help us make our lodge a better and growing place.
We will be having a Special Meeting of the lodge on the 10th at 7:00 pm as well. We have to get your permission to hire a contractor to do our roof. It’s in bad need of repair and has caused a lot of damage so far this past year. Make sure you show up and help us get this done.
We are starting to do a Saturday music night on the first Saturday of each month. This month on April 7th we will be having the “Pappa Cool Band” for your enjoyment. The band will start at 7:00 pm and go until 11:00 pm. Next month on May 5th it will be the “Ecolimes.” Two great bands on two great Saturday nights.
I have this crazy idea to raise money for the endowment fund. How would you like to see me have my back waxed? Yes on April 21st it’s coming off. If of course, I can raise $500. Rockin Russ will be there for some great entertainment as well.
See you there.
Millenially yours, Your Governor, Joe Matteucci