News From Your Governor – May 2018

Here we are starting another year. I would like to thank everyone who has stepped up and helped me make my year as your Governor
a success. The board of officers were great to work with and I’m glad so many of them have come back for another year with me. We
had a lot of fun and got some important things accomplished. I’m looking forward for another great year, with our Moosefest and a new
format for our lodge picnic. Debbie Allen our new band chairperson has booked “Boys and Toys” for the picnic. She’s doing a great job.
It’s going to be a great picnic!
Our roof is on its way to being repaired and things are looking up. We have had a lot of participation at the events we have had this past
winter so we must be doing something right as you are supporting us and what we do.
If you would like to help out we are always looking for more help. Just contact me or any officer and we can get you pointed in the right
Let’s have another fun and productive year!
Millenially yours, Your Governor for another year, Joe Matteucci