Spring is in full swing and we can start to get back into Wisconsin mode with family plans and vacation fun. We here at the Moose Lodge kick into high
gear with new board members and assure we keep the members involved in what wonderful events we have to offer.
As your 2017-2018 Senior Regent, this is the last newsletter of my reign, it has been truly educational & fun. I hope to take the “memories” with me in my
travels. Thank you to my board of officers, chairman, our awesome past officers and mentors for everything they helped out to achieve the success of
our lodge. Thank you to the men of LOOM. I do have an outgoing message to ALL members of LOOM and WOTM “this is YOUR lodge, get involved,
make a difference and continue to volunteer” our lodge success starts with YOU! Also, continue to remember our kids at Moose Heart and our seniors at
Moose Haven as they are counting on our continuing support.
I’m proud to announce the new Women of the Moose board for the 2018-2019 year:
- Senior Regent: Joanne Horner
- Junior Grad Regent: Christine Schneider
- Junior Regent: Elsa Weller
- Secretary/Treasurer: Sharon Jandrowski
- Recorder: Debra Keslov
I would like to congratulate Debbie “Duby” Schneider on receiving the Award of Distinction for the WOTM. Debbie has met all of the qualifications for this
honor and is always going over and above to help the Kenosha Lodge gain recognition and strength. Congrats to you!
Volunteer positions are greatly needed for Wednesday night Bingo and Friday night Door Greeters. If interested contact any board member and they will
point you in the right direction.
Moosefest is happening again on June 22-24, 2018 if anyone would like to help sponsor/donate/help with this event contact any board member.
Save the dates: Moosefest 6/22-24, Installation of Officer’s 4/29, Fall Purse luncheon (save any new or slightly used wallets/purses/bags) date: TBA
Continue to read the Newsletter for all the happenings/events/meetings/dinner menus. Women’s meetings are held on the 1st & 3rd Tuesday nights @
7 PM.
**FINAL PUSH ON APRIL MEMBERSHIP ** If you know of anyone wanting to join our organization, renew membership or transfer in please have them
sign up by April 29th, 2018. Thank You.
Chris Schneider – Sr. Regent WOTM #155