Wow… how did we get here? I’m still trying to figure out how we are going to meet in April. Please stay tuned. Hopefully, soon we will be together again, but until then watch your emails. There could likely be a zoom webinar for our activity meeting as the counts have to be less than 10 right now (3/22/30 at 11:59 am). Things are changing so quickly. Looks like the current board will be hanging around for a while longer, the new board will take office on July 1 as of now. Even though the term is longer the qualification period for the Award of Achievement still ends the last day of April, so please make sure your dues are up to date (you can pay your dues at or drop them by the lodge office during office hours as permitted) and think about the people you want to hang out within the social quarters when the quarantine is lifted and let’s get them signed up now! Remember is always open for online applications.
Thank you to everyone who helped out with the conference, it seems like a million years ago now. I appreciate all of you. Congratulations to my fellow Academy of Friendship matriculates Joanne Horner and Elsa Weller, it only seems right that we made this step together. Thank you to the Kenosha Higher Degree Chapter Members that attended the ceremony to support us, Rose Mifflin for her beautiful speech and Mary Jane Ewens, Karyn Johnson and Cheryl Ripp (One of our newest applicants) for being part of the ceremony.

Please stay home, stay safe and wash your hands!
Fraternally yours, Kellee K. Chwala