Pool plays every Monday and Wednesday mornings at 9:30 am. Lunch is served at 11:30 am. The
second half of the am season has started. Mike Bezzotte and Barb Dumesic won the first half
Monday and Aaron Perona and Lloyd Jester won first half Wednesday. Bill Walker had a table run.
Andy Burger chairs both mornings.
Spring Monday pm pool has started. Darla and Ron Kramer chair. Take part in the action or stop in
for Victoria’s Kitchen treats.
Every Wednesday night some of our members get together for an informal open pool tourney at 7:00
pm. All members are welcome. Always free pool in our Social Quarters.
The Brewers, Cubs and White Sox begin spring training this month in Arizona. The arrows point up
for all 3 teams. Regular league play starts end of March.
Notes: The use of our outdoor facilities is not limited to just athletic activities. Lots of room. If card
playing is your thing, get a few people together to play. Board games are popular. And lots of space
to search for the elusive Pokémon monsters. The refreshment stand is open during softball season
starting the end of April for your favorite drink or snack, along with the kid’s area. This spring
Saturday morning flag football starts in April.
Everyone have a good 2018.
Leon Rosko – Sports Chairman