Sports Committee – March 2018

Monday night pool is in session for the late winter/spring season. Darla and Ron Kramer co-chair the league. For the Monday and Wednesday AM Pool leagues, Mike Bezotte, Dennis Collins, Rich Smart and Wallace “Punky” Bower nailed 8 ball breaks. Jerry Bertsch had a break and table run on the 19th. AM pool continues through next month. Lunch is served both days from 11:30 am until 1:00 pm. Andy Burger handles the AM leagues.

Every Wednesday around 6:00 pm members get together to shoot pool. This a Casual type tournament and all are invited to play. Once the weather gets nice they will move outside for Baggo.

Add in the March Madness of the NASCAR, NBA, NHL and NCAA basketball tournament. We have lots of big screens and projection TVs for your watching pleasure.

Horseshoes is coming up on Wednesday evenings in the spring. Can’t play on Wednesdays? We have other nights or even mornings and afternoons open to start a new league. Do you want to start something? See AD Rich Smart, any board member or myself.

Softball will be every night this year. New for 2018 is Tuesday night men’s league. Have you a team? Need somewhere to play? We have room. Men will play nightly Monday through Thursday, Coed plays on Friday, call me at 262-551-0441 to sign up.

State bowling rolls March 3rd through April 7th at West Bend. West Bend Lodge #1398 is the host lodge. Enter online or get a form on our bulletin board.

Notes: Now is the time of the year our Club accepts nominations for next year’s Governor and the rest of the board. This is a chance to get involved in things around our Club and affect change. Nomination forms are available in the entrance hallway.

Leon Rosko – Sports Chairman