WOTM Elections

Kenosha Chapter 155 is accepting nominations for the following positions. The primary responsibilities are included.

Senior Regent

She shall preside at all Chapter meetings, preserve order, apply and enforce all laws of the Women of the Moose, and appoint certain officers, Chairmen of Chapter Committees, and the various special committees of the Chapter, as required by the Women of the Moose General Laws. She shall be a member of most other Chapter committees and oversee the proper operation of the Chapter. She, or the Secretary, shall sign all checks drawn by the Treasurer. She may declare any office vacant (including that of Jr. Past Regent) if the office holder has had three (3) successive unexcused absences.


She shall properly document the meetings of the Chapter via minutes of all meetings and preserve same as required. She shall receive all duplicate deposit slips of the Chapter, and with the Senior Regent and Treasurer, be custodian of all securities and perform all other duties required of her by the General Laws of the Women of the Moose. She, or the Senior Regent, shall sign all checks drawn by the Treasurer. In the absence of the Senior Regent and Junior Past Regent, she presides over meetings of the Chapter.


The Treasurer is responsible for the proper collection and deposit of all Chapter funds as well as the expenditure of any funds. It is her responsibility to ensure that all membership applications and information is handled in the required manner as established by the International Office of the Women of the Moose. Each quarter, she shall make the computer data and supporting financial information available to the Financial Review Committee for the purpose of auditing the proper documentation of all receipts and expenditures. In the absence of the Senior Regent, Junior Past Regent and Secretary she presides over meetings of the Chapter.

If you are a Chapter 155 member and are interested in an elected position, please give your nomination form to one of the members of the Nominating Committee (listed below) prior to the start of one the Nomination meetings. The nomination forms are on the bulletin board in the front hallway.

The Final Slate of Officers will be read at the 1st February Chapter meeting. The election will be at the 1st March Chapter Meeting.

2025 Chapter 155 Nominating Committee

Nomination meetings:

January 13, 2025, at 7:15 PM
January 27, 2025, at 7:15 PM

Current Board of Officers:

Joanne Horner
Jessica Scroggin
Marcyanne Sawyer
Debbie Schneider

3 Past Regents

Kellee Chwala
Rose Mifflin
Chris Schneider

5 Members (Appointed Officer, Chapter Chairmen, or Past Regent)

Kim Schneider
Donna Thew
Dorothy Thompson
Mary Jane Ewens
Tina Standridge


Senior Regent

*Please remember that you must be a current Lodge Member in order to be a Chapter Member. Please check your Lodge expiration date on your Moose ID.