Kenosha Moose Lodge Annual Golf Outing
Open to Men and Women
Must have at least two Moose Members per team
Sunday, August 4, 2019
Bristol Oaks
16801 75th Street
Kenosha, WI 53104
Scramble / Peoria Rule
(Play your team’s best shot each hit)
Tee times will begin at Noon and be posted the week of July 22, 2019
18 holes of golf with a cart
$60.00 per person*
*Price includes:
- 10 holes with a card; and
- Steak dinner at the lodge afterward.
Raffle prize drawing will be held at the lodge after dinner.
Must be present to win.
The signup sheet will be taken down on July 19th, so sign up and PAY at the bar before then.
In order to ensure a prompt tee off, please be at the golf course one-half hour before your tee time.