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A Brief Moose History
The Family Fraternity: An international organization of men and women, dedicated to caring for young and old, bringing communities closer together and celebrating life. We are a private organization. This means you MUST be a member or a guest of a member to enter our hallowed halls.

Kenosha Moose Lodge #286 has been around since 1910. From our humble beginnings, to our current Lodge, our Moose members have made us the BEST lodge in Wisconsin! In 2010, we have celebrated our centennial anniversary!


Second and fourth Tuesday of every month men's membership meeting at 7 PM!

Every Wednesday at 6PM join us for Bingo!

Every Friday night dinner at the lodge 5:30-8:30 PM

Every month come to the Kenosha Moose website to download your monthly newsletter!

Contact us!

3003 - 30th Avenue

Kenosha, WI

(262) 657-7831

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The Loyal Order of Moose is a private organization. All activities and events referred to on this on this website and in the Moose newsletter are available to members in good standing and their qualified guests only. This website is for informational purposes with proprietary information intended for members only. General information is available to the public at large, but should not be construed to be a solitication of membership. This website is an initiative of Kenosha Moose Lodge #286, and is not sanctioned by the Loyal Order of Moose, Moose International or any subsidiary thereof. All logos, trademarks and servicemarks pertaining to the Loyal Order of Moose and/or its programs or degrees are copyrighted � by Moose International, Inc., Mooseheart, Illinois.

Design by Amber Gordon